
Mercedes Benz Comand Online User Manual

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MERCEDES-BENZ C-Class 2015 W205 Comand Manual

214 pages

Page 1 of 246

Operating Instructions
Order no. 6515 7920 13 Part no. 207 584 75 01 Edition A-2016
COMAND Operating Instructions

Page 2 of 246

Publication details
Further information about Mercedes-Benz
vehicles and about Daimler AG can be found
on the following websites:
http://www.mbusa.com (USA only)
http://www.mercedes-benz.ca (Canada
Editorial office
You are welcome to forward any queries or
suggestions you may have regarding this
Operator's Manual to the technical documen-
tation team at the following address:
Daimler AG, HPC: CAC, Customer Service,
70546 Stuttgart, Germany
©Daimler AG: Not to be reprinted, translated
or otherwise reproduced, in whole or in part,
without written permission from Daimler AG.
Vehicle manufacturer
Daimler AG
Mercedesstraße 137
70327 Stuttgart
In this Operator's Manual you will find the fol-
lowing symbols:
Warning notes make you aware of dangers
which could pose a threat to your health or
life, or to the health and life of others.
HEnvironmental note
Environmental notes provide you with infor-
mation on environmentally aware actions or
!Notes on material damage alert you to
dangers that could lead to damage to your
iPractical tips or further information that
could be helpful to you.
X This symbol indicates an instruction
that must be followed.
X Several of these symbols in succes-
sion indicate an instruction with sev-
eral steps.
page) This symbol tells you where you can
find more information about a topic.
This font indicates a display in the
multifunction display/COMAND dis-
Parts of the software in the vehicle are pro-
tected by copyright
The FreeType Project
http://www.freetype.org. Download full client manual point blank. All rights
As at 27.06.2014

Page 3 of 246

Welcome to the world of Mercedes-Benz
First, familiarize yourself with your COMAND
system. Read these operating instructions,
particularly the safety and warning notes,
before you drive off.
This will help you to obtain the maximum
pleasure from your COMAND system and to
avoid endangering yourself and others.
The equipment level and functions of your
COMAND system may differ depending on:
Rcountry specification
Mercedes-Benz therefore reserves the right
to introduce changes in the following areas:
Rtechnical features
The equipment in your vehicle may therefore
differ from that shown in the descriptions and
Consult an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center
if you have further questions.
The Operator's Manual and all supplements
are integral parts of the vehicle. You should
always keep it in the vehicle and pass it on to
the new owner if you sell the vehicle.
The technical documentation team at
Daimler AG wishes you safe and pleasant
Mercedes-Benz USA, LLC
Mercedes-Benz Canada, Inc.
A Daimler Company

Page 4 of 246

Page 5 of 246

Index............................ 4
Introduction..................... 14
Overview and operation...........19
System settings ................. 39
Vehicle functions................ 53
Navigation...................... 63
Telephone..................... 111
Online and Internet functions .....147
Radio......................... 165
Media......................... 177
Sound......................... 205
SIRIUS Weather................ 213
Rear Seat Entertainment System ..223

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1, 2, 3 ..
360° cameraDisplaying images .............. 58
Settings ..................... .58
911 emergency call ............. 113
Access data of the mobile phone
network provider
Deleting .................... .152
Editing ......................1 52
Making entries ................ 150
Selecting .................... 150
Activating media mode
General notes ................ 178
Adding bookmarks .............. 160
Address book
Adding a new contact .......... 129
Adding information to a contact .. 130
Automatically importing contacts
from the phone ............... 132
Browsing .................... 128
Calling up .................... 128
Changing the category of an entry . 131
Changing the display and sorting
criteria for contacts ............ 132
Deleting contacts .............. 133
Deleting imported contacts ...... 134
Displaying contact details ....... 129
Editing a contact .............. 131
Importing contacts ............ 133
Introduction .................. 127
Making a call ................. 130
Receiving vCards .............. 134
Saving a contact .............. 133
Searching for a contact ......... 128
Sending e-mails ...............1 30
Sending text messages ......... 130
Starting route guidance ......... 130
Storing a phone number as a
speed dial number ............. 131
Voice tags ................... 131
Address entry menu .............. 69
Adjusting the volume
COMAND ..................... 30
Traffic announcements .......... 31 Alternative Route
................ 92
Ambient lighting
Setting (COMAND) .............. 54
Adjusting (COMAND) ............ 56
Audio CD/DVD and MP3 mode
Switching to (Rear Seat Entertain-
ment System) ................ 232
Audio CD/MP3 mode
Switching to .................. 178
Audio CDs
Saving ...................... 186
Automatic time
Switching on/off ............... 41
AU X jac
CD/DVD drive ................ 226
Avoiding an area ................ 104
Back button..................... 24
Bang & Olufsen sound system
Balance/Fader ................ 210
Calling up the sound menu ...... 209
Equalizer .................... 210
Features .................... 209
Sound profile ................. 211
VIP selection ................. 211
Activating audio mode .......... 194
Activating/deactivating .......... 48
Connecting another mobile
phone ...................... 117
Connecting audio devices ....... 190
De-authorizing (de-registering) a
device ...................... 193
Device list ................... 191
Displaying connection details .... 118
Entering the passcode .......... 116
External authorization (audio
device) ...................... 192
Increasing the volume using
COMAND .................... 195
Interface .................... 112
Reconnecting an audio device .... 192
Searching for a mobile phone .... 115
Selecting a playback option ...... 195

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Starting playback if the Blue-
tooth®audio device has been
stopped ..................... 194
Telephony ................... 114
Telephony notes .............. 112
Buttons and controller ............ 24
Call lists
Displaying details .............. 135
Opening and selecting an entry ... 135
Saving an entry in the address
book ....................... 136
360° camera (COMAND) ......... 58
Rear view camera .............. 59
Car pool lanes ................... 68
Category list (music search) ...... 188
Fast forward/fast rewind ........ 185
Inserting .................... 182
Inserting/loading (DVD changer) .. 182
Inserting/loading (Rear Seat
Entertainment System) ......... 232
Notes on discs ................ 181
Removing/ejecting (Rear Seat
Entertainment System) ......... 232
Selecting a track .............. 185
Sound settings (balance, bass,
fader, treble) ................. 206
CD mode
Playback options .............. 184
Character entry
Phone book ................... 32
Entering (navigation) ............ 33
Clear button ..................... 25
Climate control
Ionization (COMAND) ............ 56
Active multicontour seat ......... 56
Basic functions ................ 30
Components .................. 20
Control panel .................. 23
Controller ..................... 24
Display ....................... 21
Functions ..................... 20 Multicontour seat .............. 56
Seat functions ................. 56
Switching on/off ............... 30
COMAND display
Cleaning instructions ............ 22
Setting ....................... 40
Deleting ..................... 133
Importing .................... 133
Controller ....................... 24
Cordless headphones
Changing batteries ............ 229
Indicator lamp ................ 227
Rear Seat Entertainment System .. 227
Selecting the screen ........... 228
Date format, setting .............. 43
Day design, setting ............... 40
Delayed switch-off
Interior lighting ................ 55
Delayed switch-off time
Setting (COMAND) .............. 55
Saving to SD memory card ....... 99
Storing in the address book ....... 98
Destination (navigation)
Entering a destination using the
map ......................... 78
Entering a point of interest ....... 74
Entering using geo-coordinates .... 82
Entering using Mercedes-Benz
Apps ........................ 82
Keyword search ................ 72
Saving ....................... 98
Selecting an address book con-
tact as a destination ............ 74
Selecting from the list of last des-
tinations ...................... 74
Destination/route download
Deleting a destination from the
server ...................... 157
Displaying destinations in the
vehicle ...................... 156
Displaying the vehicle identifica-
tion number (VIN) ............. 157
Importing destinations .......... 157

Page 8 of 246

Placing a call at the destination ... 156
Procedure and general informa-
tion ........................ 155
Sending destinations to the
server ...................... 155
Using a destination for route guid-
ance ........................ 156
Using destinations .............156
Dialing a number (telephone) ...... 119
Selecting the design ............ 40
Switching on/off ............... 41
Displaying energy consumption
and generated electrical energy
(COMAND) ...................... 55
Inserting/loading (DVD changer) .. 182
Inserting/loading (Rear Seat
Entertainment System) ......... 232
Notes on discs ................ 181
Removing/ejecting (DVD
changer) .................... 183
Removing/ejecting (Rear Seat
Entertainment System) ......... 232
DVD video
Rear Seat Entertainment System .. 235
Configuration via the controller .... 60
Configuration via the DYNAMIC
SELECT controller .............. 60
Configuring individual drive pro-
gram ........................ 59
Setting options ................ 60
E-mailAnswering ................... 143
Calling up the settings menu ..... 138
Changing the name of the e-mail
account ..................... 139
Configuring an e-mail account .... 139
Configuring the e-mails displayed . 139
Deactivating the e-mail function .. 139
Deleting ..................... 145
Displaying details .............. 141
Downloading e-mails manually ... 140
Editing text templates .......... 144 Forwarding ................... 143
Inbox ....................... 140
Reading ..................... 140
Settings ..................... 138
Storing the sender as a new entry
in the address book ............ 144
Using a phone number in the text . 144
Using text templates ........... 143
Writing ...................... 142
Entering the address (example) ..... 70
Entering the city ................. 70
Factory setting (reset function) ..... 51
Adding ....................... 35
Deleting ...................... 36
Displaying and calling up ......... 35
Moving ....................... 36
Overview ..................... 35
Renaming ..................... 36
Favorites (Internet) .............. 162
Favorites button ................. 49
Fuel consumption (COMAND) ...... 56
Google™ Local Search
Calling up Local Search ......... 153
Entering a search position and
search term .................. 154
Importing a destination/route .... 154
Popular Searches .............. 155
Search history ................ 155
Using as the destination ........ 154
GPS reception ................... 64
®Media Database ...... 186
Handwriting recognition
Touchpad ..................... 27
Harman kardon
®Logic 7®sur-
round sound system
Balance/Fader ................ 208
Calling up the sound menu ...... 207
Equalizer .................... 208
Features .................... 207

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Mercedes Benz Comand Online System Manual

Surround sound ............... 208
Heading up (navigation) .......... 101
Home address
Entering and saving ............. 71
Incident (traffic report) ............ 94
Intermediate destinations
Accepting for the route .......... 81
Creating ...................... 79
Editing ....................... 81
Entering ...................... 79
Searching for a gas station when
the fuel level is low ............. 81
Conditions for access .......... 149
Creating favorites ............. 162
Entering the URL .............. 159
Favorites manager ............. 162
Favorites menu ............... 163
Menu functions ............... 160
Options menu ................ 160
Selecting/setting access data .... 149
Setting up an Internet connection . 149
Keyword search (navigation)Entering keywords .............. 72
Selecting search options ......... 73
Selecting search results .......... 72
Using online search ............. 73
Lane recommendationsExplanation ................... 88
Presentation .................. 88
Activating/deactivating the exte-
rior lighting delayed switch-off ..... 55
Setting the ambient lighting
(COMAND) .................... 54
List of access data
New provider ................. 150
List of mobile phone network pro-
With the selected provider ....... 150 Locator lighting
Setting (COMAND) .............. 55
Lumbar support
Adjusting (COMAND) ............ 56
MapSelecting map content .......... 100
Map (navigation)
Adjusting the scale ............ 100
Building images ............... 104
Displaying the next intersection .. 103
Heading ..................... 101
Map settings ................. 100
Moving ....................... 66
North orientation .............. 101
Notes ....................... 100
Rotating the 3D map ........... 103
Selecting POI symbols on the
map ........................ 101
Selecting text information on the
map ........................ 102
Showing the map version ........ 103
Switching highway information
on/off ...................... 102
Traffic Sign Assist ............. 102
Updating .................... 106
Map functions .................. 100
Selecting a program ............. 57
Media Interface
Mode ....................... 195
Playback options .............. 197
Search ...................... 197
Selecting a music file ........... 196
Switching to Media Interface ..... 196
Video function ................ 198
Media search
Category list ................. 188
Current tracklist .............. 188
General notes ................ 187
Keyword search ............... 189
Music genres ................. 189
Selecting by cover ............. 188
Starting the media search ....... 187
Menu overview
CD audio and MP3 mode ........ 181

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Mercedes Benz Comand Manual

Mercedes-Benz Apps............. 158
Microphone, switching on/off ..... 121
Mobile phone
Authorizing ..................1 16
Connecting (Bluetooth
face) ....................... 114
Connecting another mobile
phone ...................... 117
De-authorizing ................ 118
Displaying Bluetooth
details ...................... 118
Enabling for Internet access ..... 149
Copyright .................... 181
Fast forward/fast rewind ........1 85
Notes ....................... 180
Safety notes ................. 179
Stop and playback function ...... 185
Adjusting the volume of the navi-
gation announcements .......... 31
Alternative route ............... 92
Avoiding an area .............. 104
Basic settings ................. 66
Blocking a route section affected
by a traffic jam ................. 93
Calling up the compass display ... 107
Calling up the menu ............ 107
Entering a destination ........... 69
Entering a destination using the
map ......................... 78
Entering a point of interest ....... 74
Entering characters (character
bar) ......................... 33
GPS reception ................. 64
Important safety notes .......... 64
Info on navigation ............. 108
Lane recommendation ........... 88
Off-road/Off-map (off-road desti-
nation) ....................... 93
Online map display ............ 107
Reading out traffic reports ........ 97
Repeating announcements ....... 90
Selecting a destination from the
list of last destinations ........... 74 Setting route options (avoiding:
highways, toll roads, tunnels, fer-
ries) ......................... 67
Setting the route type (short
route, fast route, dynamic route or
economic route) ................ 66
Showing/hiding the menu ........ 65
Starting route calculation ........ 71
Switching announcements on/
off .......................... 90
Switching to ................... 65
Navigation announcements
Switching off .................. 31
North orientation (navigation) ..... 101
Off-road........................ 93
Online and Internet functions
Calling up the device list ........ 151
Destination/routes download .... 155
Enabling a mobile phone for Inter-
net access ................... 149
Ending the connection .......... 153
Establishing a connection ....... 152
Further Mercedes-Benz Apps ..... 158
Manually setting the access data
of the mobile phone network pro-
vider ....................... 150
Mercedes-Benz Mobile Website ... 158
Resetting settings ............. 159
Selecting the access data of the
mobile phone network provider ... 150
Setting up an Internet connection . 149
Web browser ................. 159
Pause functionVideo DVD ................... 202
Personal POIs and routes
Alert when approaching (personal
POI) ......................... 83
Editing ....................... 85
Importing via Mercedes-Benz
Apps ........................ 84
Recording the route ............. 86
Saving ....................... 84
Selecting ..................... 85

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